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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Elevate Yourself And Transform Your Life In Just A Month

How To Elevate Yourself And Transform Your Life In Just A Month

Getting to a place where you feel secure, stress free, happy and grateful can be a very rocky and difficult journey.

It’s a learning process where plenty of mistakes are ready to be made and to be learnt from. 

This kind of change can happen in a year or even as short as a month. 

This kind of journey is by no means impossible as there are only two main things that you’ll need to start this life cruise; the right mindset and being able to manage time efficiently. 

So, although I can’t promise you a full 180 degrees spin on your life, I can still give you some of the materials you’ll need to start that life changing process instantly using a month as a foundation and guide. 

But First Things First...


Why Aim To Elevate?

Is it to constantly push in people’s faces on how good you’re doing or is it to lock everyone out and pay attention to yourself and only yourself?

Well, if it’s any one of those things, then it probably means that you haven’t fully grasped the whole idea on what it is to truly reinvent and elevate yourself. 

To elevate yourself means that you’re taking that extra step to do more than what is expected.

 It means that you have made the decision to start achieving those big dreams that seem unrealistic. You have finally realised that you have potential and the will power to succeed and now you want to put all those things into action. 


The Road To Elevation…

Will be bumpy so it will really be up to you to make the drive smoother by putting in hard work and being determined. 

Let’s Dive In :)


Week One: Elevate Your Appearance 

For many, in order to feel their utmost best and to feel on track with their lives, they try to enhance their looks externally first before diving into the deep hole of attempting to reinvent themselves internally. 

This is not necessarily a bad thing as a visual representation on the outside can be the the blue print of how you want to feel and act on the inside.

This is a great prompt in levelling up your mindset. 


Putting all your focus in only your outward appearance and neglecting the other things that shapes you and your life actually means that you’re not exactly elevating.

Your physical appearance is only one step in your journey to levelling up which is why it’s important to keep moving!


#1 Find Your Signature Fashion Style

Leave the horrible fashion trends behind and find the things that make you look amazing all year round and not only for a season. 

Read: How To Find Your Signature Fashion Style to truly find out how you can easily enhance your appearance and leave a lasting impression on others.


#2 Take Pride In Your Skin

I’ll say use this week to experiment with different skincare products. 

From cleansers to exfoliating scrubs or even making your own skincare products, take a look in the mirror and research what it is your skin needs in order to flourish and thrive. 

#3 Focus On Your Hair, Face And Nails

When it comes to beauty, these are the three important features that need quite a lot of care and attention as together they can enhance your beauty significantly or diminish it greatly. 

Read this amazing glow up guide to see how you can easily enhance your appearance by tweaking the simple things. 


#4 Make A Fitness Routine 


Whether it’s just 20 minutes everyday or an hour, it will be beneficial to you and in the long run, your body will thank you.

#5 Take Pride In Your Feet

Yes, they most definitely deserve love too.

Soak them in a bath of lukewarm water, with crystals and oils. Moisturise them everyday and beautify your toenails. This will make them as supple and soft as a baby’s butt :)

Read: 6 Easy Ways To Create A Spa Day At Home


#6 Learn More About Hygiene

Make sure to...

-Take the time to make an emergency kit

- Learn how to manage dealing with sweating

- Learn how to shave properly 

- Take the time to truly care for your teeth

- Clean your environment

#7 Smile

This simple action can lead to massive results so don’t you dare overlook this.

Smile regularly even if you haven’t got a clue what on earth there is to smile about.

Smile everyday :) It might just be exactly what you need to cure you from the blues. 


Week Two: Find Your Passion

At least think about it. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated or extremely time consuming but it should be something that you can start working on now in order to get an amazing result in the future. 

I must admit that a week is probably not nearly enough to find your true passion but it's definitely enough to visibly see all the options that are out there waiting for you.

Try to use your passion to help others...Make your passion beneficial to you.

  1. Sell a course on Skillshare

  2. Create an app

  3. Learn how to animate

  4. Sell music beats

  5. Start a youtube channel

  6. Start a blog

  7. Write a book

  8. Create a photography album

There are honestly so many more things to start doing right now especially if you have a creative mind.


Week Three: Take Out The Trash!

Well, of course I don’t mean literally, but metaphorically with “trash” symbolising anything unmeaningful, useless and invaluable in your life.

To you, that may mean old habits that you need to desperately let go of or even certain people within your life. 

Week three is your observing week. 

If it no longer adds any value in your life, throw it away. There’s no point in recycling it as nothing will change than the form it comes in. 

Use this week to also rekindle and tighten the bonds and relationships with the ones who are worth it . Learn how to forgive and learn. Stop being so stiff!

Week three is also the week where you immensely work on yourself.

Get more invested in your faith and beliefs, work on the energy you exude and how people react when they are with you and how you react when you’re with others.

Detox yourself from negativity!

And Lastly, 


Week Four: Elevate Your Mindset

There’s no point doing any of this if you’re just going to give up halfway especially when the going gets tough.

Remember to always finish what you start.

Truthfully, all you ever needed to elevate and transform your life was a good mindset. This means ignoring fear and your insecurities and becoming confident and passionate.

Don’t ever think that you can’t achieve something. Discipline your mind into saying “yes” and “I can” instead of saying “no” and “I can’t”.

Don’t limit your mind into thinking what you are able to achieve. Dream big and take actions to work towards those dreams. 

Success is relative but regardless of what success is to you and your neighbour Mary across the street, organisation, time management, patience and determination I’m sure applies to almost all forms of success. 


Here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:

Don’t downgrade your dreams to match your reality. Upgrade them to match your vision!

Well, That’s It Folks

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. Remember to subscribe for more post that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. What are your thoughts? Tell me in the comments below. See ya :)

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